Rosa Parks was brave, but hers was a quiet strength.What role did her faith play on that fateful day in 1955? What impresses you about Rosa? Rosa Parks made a tough decision that changed the course of American history.How did she reconcile that? How do you want to be like Corrie? Corrie realized that her work with the underground resistance movement would involve, “lying, stealing, perhaps even killing” that first seemed contradictory to God’s teachings.How did experiences early in Corrie’s life pave the way for her later courage? It is evident that the prayers Corrie sowed at a young age was important for the life she was living as an adult.Is that hard for you to hold on to? Why or why not? As a nun, Liza was radical and controversial due to her smoking and drinking and gave her life loving in the name of Christ.Has there been a defining moment in your life that helped clarify your “cause” or purpose? The death of her daughter solidified her path to fight for the poor and oppressed.Who’s in your corner? How have they impacted your life? Although she never married, Hannah befriended many people that helped her unlock her gift, and influence the masses.How did she manage to have such influence? What strengths or gifts equipped her to make such an impact? How do you want to be like Hannah? Hannah was an outspoken advocate for ideas considered unorthodox at the time.Her “methods” for teaching greatly influenced the work of her son, John, and the Methodist movement he founded. Her influence on her children and community was huge. She did way more than what a typical stay-at-home mom would or does do.

She lost nine children in their infancy and lost her home and everything in it due to a fire not once, but twice! Still she was committed to her devotional life? What was most remarkable about her faith and practice of it? When her husband, Samuel, abandoned her and their kids she was left with absolutely nothing.